VISUAL BASIC 5/6 PROJECTS contains 6 desktop programs, with a neat graphical interface made with Visual Basic. These are complete programs that use the Windows API to know the weather and play back sounds, input data, print results, create graphs, and more.
It includes the source code of these six programs so that you can experiment and study in detail how they are made. If you don't know this programming code you can learn Visual Basic 6 with tutorials.
The programs included are:
- Stopwatch: a dual stopwatch.
- Loan Calculator: to calculate loan payments
- Gas Mileage: calculates the performance of a car based on the mileage per fuel entered.
- Biorhytms: calculate your body's natural rhythms.
- Memory game: a fun game for the whole family.
- One-Armed Bandit: a simulation of a machine.
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